The availability of aluminum
“Aluminum prices keep on rising”, “aluminum isn’t available”, “aluminum stocks have fallen to critical levels”. These are just a handful of headlines out of the news from the past year. Due to a broad variety of reasons the prices of all raw materials, including aluminum keep on rising and the availability of aluminum is getting less. This also affects the wire and cable market and we as supplier of materials specific for the cable and wire market are seeing the disadvantages these developments bring with them. Right at the start of this situation, HEC saw an opportunity instead of a threat. Our HEC Shanghai Office kept on building a good and solid relationship with our aluminum supplier. This lead to ongoing supplies of aluminum at a good price. In the same time, our supplier has been looking into their own supply chain. They made sure the supply chain was optimized for a solid cooperation with HEC-Holland. This collaboration, combined with the ability to slit aluminum tapes in our own warehouse in The Netherlands (after the purchase of an aluminum cutter last year), made HEC-Holland a stable factor in the market. Currently, HEC is able to keep the availability of aluminum up and supply the customer with the needed materials, which is something we are very proud of. We will keep collaborating with our partners to be able to deliver the best quality, for the best price. This way, we are sure we won’t let our customers down. Curious about opportunities in the cable and wire market for your company? Feel free to contact your account manager or send us an e-mail. Previous PostNext Post