
TSC - supplier of semi-conductive compounds
Collaboration, Products, Services

Supplier of semi-conductive compounds

Supplier of semi-conductive compounds TSC is HEC-Holland’s supplier for semi-conductive compounds for the European cable and wire market. They are a proven supplier in the market of thermoplastic and thermoset insulation semiconductive compounds. TSC (Total Solution for Compounding) is established in 1968 and can rely on over 50 years of experience in compounding. They are developing and manufacturing their products in the Korean Peninsula. Quality assurance and product selection At HEC-Holland quality is of great importance. All our suppliers must therefore meet a number of quality tests before we collaborate. Therefore, we have done several laboratory scale and industrialization tests to ensure the quality of the products and processes of TSC. During the past year we have tested multiple measurements such as, IEC standard and Cenelec HD 620 2 Y 50 Hz test, including VDE level. Also the accelerated test of 3.000 hrs/ 500 Hz has been part of our testing programme. All our thermoplast en thermoset semi-conductive insulation compounds passed the strict tests. We are pleased to announce that we have commercialized the products listed below for several of our customers and they are already used in their cable design. And, we keep on building up the customer base in the European market for the products and materials provided by TSC Korea. TSC products HEC-SC-230 – MV semicon – adhesive insulation compound HEC-SC-250 – MV semicon – bonded insulation compound HEC-SC-330 – MV semicon – strippable insulation compound HEC-SC-600 – SC sheathing jacketing compound More information Sample material for lab testing and/or industrial homologation trails are available upon your request. For more technical information you can contact us in order to receive detailed Product Data Sheets. Are you interested in our supplier and what their products can do for your project(s)? Our account managers are eager to give an online presentation and tell you about the possibilities. Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn and stay informed about our latest news. Previous PostNext Post

introducing rick seijler

Introducing Rick Seijler

HEC-Holland is growing steadily and in February we were happy to welcome another new member to join us. Today we are introducing Rick Seijler. He will be our new Product Manager. Introducing Rick Seijler – Who am I? Hi everyone, I am Rick, 25 years old and currently living in Nijmegen. I have been living in Nijmegen for five years now. Before moving, I lived in a small village south of Nijmegen called Malden. Last December, I graduated as a master of Marketing Management at Tilburg University, which ended my time as a student. Before this master program, I studied Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Nijmegen. I am an enthusiastic, driven and ambitious person who is motivated to achieve goals within a team. I believe this fits with the overall look of the company HEC-Holland, in which we work together to help our customers in the best way possible. Next to working, I love to spend time with family and friends, I like going to a restaurant, cinema or having a drink in the local pub. Furthermore, I like to play sports. My hobbies are going to the gym, playing basketball and playing golf. I used to play golf in national and international championships, in which I learned how to take sacrifices to achieve goals. This mentality is something that really defines me as a person and can help me during my time at HEC-Holland. My role within the HEC-team My role within HEC-Holland is ‘’Product Manager’’. I take care of both the marketing communication and our product portfolio. In these tasks I will work closely with our front office, back office and our sourcing offices. I already have some experience in marketing communication which can definitely help me starting up in this job. I just started a few months ago, and I already feel at home. My new colleagues have welcomed me very warmly and are really supportive on all my questions and challenges. Thoughts for the future Before I started working at HEC-Holland I was not very familiar with the cable industry. However, I am very eager to learn about the products and I want to know more about this market. Therefore, I believe I will learn fast and will make sure to be able to answer in-depth questions on our products as soon as possible. I am looking forward to all the challenges coming in the future and to get in touch with all our stakeholders! If any questions arise, please get in contact with our team! You can also find more information about Rick on his LinkedIn page. Previous PostNext Post

Aluminum tape
Collaboration, Products, Services

The availability of aluminum

“Aluminum prices keep on rising”, “aluminum isn’t available”, “aluminum stocks have fallen to critical levels”. These are just a handful of headlines out of the news from the past year. Due to a broad variety of reasons the prices of all raw materials, including aluminum keep on rising and the availability of aluminum is getting less. This also affects the wire and cable market and we as supplier of materials specific for the cable and wire market are seeing the disadvantages these developments bring with them. Right at the start of this situation, HEC saw an opportunity instead of a threat. Our HEC Shanghai Office kept on building a good and solid relationship with our aluminum supplier. This lead to ongoing supplies of aluminum at a good price. In the same time, our supplier has been looking into their own supply chain. They made sure the supply chain was optimized for a solid cooperation with HEC-Holland. This collaboration, combined with the ability to slit aluminum tapes in our own warehouse in The Netherlands (after the purchase of an aluminum cutter last year), made HEC-Holland a stable factor in the market. Currently, HEC is able to keep the availability of aluminum up and supply the customer with the needed materials, which is something we are very proud of. We will keep collaborating with our partners to be able to deliver the best quality, for the best price. This way, we are sure we won’t let our customers down. Curious about opportunities in the cable and wire market for your company? Feel free to contact your account manager or send us an e-mail. Previous PostNext Post

Nicole Brockotter

Introducing Nicole Brockötter

Introducing Nicole Brockötter – Who am I? My name is Nicole Brockötter; I am 51 years old and live in a small town called Duiven, nearby Arnhem. About 10 years ago, I started working at HEC-Holland as a Commercial Assistant. After a few years of experience in this position I was promoted to Account Manager. In this role, I am responsible for the Benelux and the German market. Being raised as a german bi-lingual is a huge advantage in this field. It allows me to communicate with customers in their own language. Genuine interest in others and humour go hand in hand with me. As a result, I like to make contact and get energy from maintaining and expanding my network. I believe I have an eye for detail, a passion for representing my job and like to share my knowledge with others. It’s all about bringing real value to both parties and the best way to do this is by building strong and long-lasting partnerships through reliability and in-depth knowledge of markets, products and customers situation. I see myself as an outgoing, open minded, spontaneous, and loyal person who likes to achieve goals and building relationships with colleagues and customers. Besides work, I enjoy going out with my daughter, friends and family. I live together with my daughter and our animal friends Shiva, a French Bulldog, and my 2 cats Cooper and Schimanski. Furthermore, a glass of wine and a nice meal in a fancy restaurant won’t be turned down from my side. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, contact me by phone or e-mail. Previous PostNext Post

HEC-Holland warehouse in Tilburg
Services, Warehouse

Movement from Goch to Tilburg

Movement from Goch to Tilburg HEC-Holland is still growing fast, also during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, we were forced to move from our small warehouse in Goch to a much larger warehouse in Tilburg. In this new warehouse we are able to place more slitting machines and we can store more products. In addition, the warehouse includes a large office space with all facilities, where we can meet our suppliers and customers. The location of our warehouse is fantastic, as it is just a few minutes from Barge Terminal Tilburg. Moreover, Tilburg has a direct train connection with central Europe and Asia. We are very happy with our new warehouse in Tilburg: the logistics hotspot of the Netherlands. Expansion of production capacity The growth of our company has, among others, led to the expansion of our production capacity. We have our own slitting facility since one year now, however we are close to full capacity. For this reason, we are looking for new slitting machines. One year ago, we could not imagine that we already have to look for these new machines. The slitting facility that we have now, is for slitting water blocking tapes. We are now in the process of buying a new machine that can slit aluminum tapes, so that our production department can convert locally. This process was intended for one year ago, but unfortunately we had to postpone this due to corona. Nevertheless, we are very happy that this process is coming to an end. Expansion product assortment Additionally to the physical expansion, we spend a lot of time on setting up our ERP system. Our product assortment is growing since our office in Shanghai is busy with building relationships with new suppliers. Our colleagues in Shanghai speak the same language and have the same culture as most of our suppliers, which make it more easy to build a valuable relationship. We hope to optimize these relationships even further in the future.

Suez Canal Evergreen

Suez Canal – Global supply chain impact

Global supply chain impact is caused by imbalance in available freight space and equipment. The supply chain consequences of the Suez Canal blockade in March will be clearly felt in the coming months. In our operations this will mostly affect the operational activities and pricing for the coming period. Where there were hopes for more stability, prices in container shipping are still sky-high. Also the tariff levels may reach new record highs as of May 1. We continue to be confronted with limitations and delays due to blank sailings, equipment shortages and congested ports worldwide. Partly because of the aforementioned congestion in the Suez Canal, we are also seeing extra pressure in the availability of containers and the spot market. The shortage of ship space and containers will largely persist this year, resulting in high transport rates and operational restrictions. This is predicted by a maritime research firm Drewry in its latest report about developments in the container market. The prospects also note that there will be considerably more orders for the construction of new ships. There are 1.77 million TEU across 166 ships ordered in Q1 only. However, whether this capacity expansion will eventually lead to the extremely low rates of few years ago seems unlikely, according to Drewry. Our advice  We would like to advise you to pay attention to matters listed below in order to limit any nuisance and to anticipate the aforementioned market situation: We recommend booking your shipments well in advance. This enables us to provide you with the best possible arrangements. Prioritize the most critical shipments as capacity is scarce and we face constraints and delays. Include longer lead times in your supply chain calculations. Keep in mind that the average delay is currently almost 7 days. The aforementioned challenging and volatile market situation puts a lot of pressure on our operation. Therefore, we must continue to emphasize that the options are limited and ask you to continue to take into account possible delays in the coming period. We are here for you We at HEC-Holland do everything we can to continue to serve you optimally and to keep any inconvenience to a minimum. Please feel free to consult your account manager and ask for our possibilities and solutions. We will also keep you updated related to this theme and future developments.  If any questions arise, please also get in contact with our team! HEC-Holland LinkedIn Previous PostNext Post

storage capacity and production warehouse in Goch, Germany
Innovation, Products, Warehouse

A New Milestone on Storage capacity & Production

Storage Capacity and Production in Goch, Germany Last year was a rollercoaster for all of us. Our wish for the coming year will be a one full of optimism, hope and prosperity. For a bright future with supportive atmosphere for all of us. At HEC-Holland we are starting this year full of excitement for new things to come and with lots of plans with our customers and suppliers. Our ambition is to continuously improve ourselves in all aspects in light to give the best support to our partners. One important part for our new year is the much needed increase of our storage and production capacity. We are proud to share with you an update regarding one of our strategic situated distribution centres at Goch, Germany. With the newly build expansion on warehouse storage and production capacity, we marked a new milestone in our journey. Warehouse Goch We have doubled our storage capacity to approximately 5.000 metric ton on storage space. Supervised by our latest ERP software technology, we are now able to remotely monitor our production and supply chain system. This will bring our service to a new faster and more effective level. This leads to higher speed and more flexibility in delivery of your well appreciated orders. In our warehouse in Goch we have modern machines and high quality equipment. We are capable for the process of cutting, shaping, packing, labelling and delivery according to the customers needs. At our non-woven department, we are able to deliver 1,30m on the outer diameter pads. This creates flexibility at your production by having less production stops. Please also read our article about our aluminum converting to take a closer look on how the process on one of the machines is developing. Your logistical partner We are proud of our important added values for you as a customer. We can ensure an optimal logistical process to suit the needs of you as our customer. HEC-Holland is your global logistical partner. We have warehouses in Germany, in Helsinki, Finland and also Jönköping in Sweden. And because we can maintain a large stock we are able to deliver according to the JIT (Just In Time principle) More info? Do you need more info on our warehouses or do you have another question? Please feel free to contact us. Previous PostNext Post

working visit to Hanwha
Collaboration, People, Products

Working visit to Hanwha

This September, a team of HEC-Holland made a tour with one of our valuable customers to South Korea for a working visit to Hanwha Chemical. The Main purpose of this trip was to further extend our collaboration with our partner. in addition, we where eager to see the new expansion Hanwha is making on the production of crosslinkable polyethylene (XLPE). At their production site in Yeosu -in the South of the Korean peninsula – the ground-breaking ceremony took place. XLPE capacity The new fully automated production system gives way for a further grow in our XLPE capacity. The completion of the production site is expected by 2021 ~ early 2022. Along with this expansion Hanwha is also investing in an automated warehouse, especially dedicated for their Wire and Cable products. This also will be ready at the same time. Hanwha is a strong global player in the Cable and Wire Industry and sees an overall increase in needs of their products and aims high on sustainability and has a clear vision for a brigher future. To showcase this and their intentions, they are building a new HQ in downtown Seoul. Their new office is near completion and ready for the 21st century. The building features are astonishing, with solar panels fully integrated in the exterior of the building. Which where produced by Hanwha’s sister company called Q-Cell. Focus on Europe Hanwha took great care of us and made sure the visit was one to remember. For this memorable and special occassion they reserved their very own company helicopter to transport the team of HEC-Holland and our valuable customers. We as HEC-Holland are confident that our partner Hanwha Chemical is ready to further roll out their strategy for Europe, and strengthen the presence within the Wire and Cable market especially in Europe. Contact us Do you like to know more on our trip to Hanwha Chemical or want to get in contact with us? Feel free to contact our office and get in contact with one of our team! Previous PostNext Post

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